
NFD™ combined with its precision motion platforms produce the smoothest and most repeatable extruded parts on the market, without a post-build smoothing process.



The rugged, patented, high-precision nFD™ filament feeder, heated Material Extrusion (FDM or FFF) tool head and quick-change nTip™ pen tip are core tools for 3D printing on nScrypt 3D manufacturing platforms. Use the standard nTip™ for 1.75 mm filament and nonstandard filaments. Remove and easily clean or switch nozzles if the nTip™ fails.

No other 3D printing extruder can match nScrypt’s precision, fine features, quick changes, or choice of pen tip diameters. nScrypt’s 50μm nTip™ combined with its precision motion platforms produce the smoothest and most repeatable extruded parts on the market, without a post-build smoothing process. Use the smallest commercially available nTip™ (25μm) for extremely fine features. Add the Z-tracking feature to build conformally on structures of any shape.


  • Datasheet 1



Products: Additively Manufactured Printers